stampede to the corral, you footsome mouthtasters!
ya, steal the book and read it: hurra hurra!
sorely: where’s all the byron gone? why’s it all scattered in pieces ’bout the place?
The oldest and most obscure weblog. Probably. Lovingly maintained and neglected by Shawn Kilburn.
stampede to the corral, you footsome mouthtasters!
ya, steal the book and read it: hurra hurra!
sorely: where’s all the byron gone? why’s it all scattered in pieces ’bout the place?
…but… i couldn’t help but be gasted by this groovy booktool.
library’s—open your stacks!
I’m back from a business trip on Oahu, visiting libraries and such. There was no internet access in my hotel room, sad to say. More on everything later.