Of returning

If any are wondering, I have returned from my frazzling trip. Airports become more and more tiring all the time. I am losing the thread of this thing.

My initial experiment in journalizing likeso:

The right side would be for the jumbled and incomprehensible word/images which foible and hopscotch through my brain all the time. (As my main concern regarding them has always been, how and in what way would be the best way to capture and snapshot those flitting brainpatterns.) I had been writing in that fashion for quite some time (as you can see by the archives), when I realized that a part of me (the rational?)–the part that can(?) write in quasi-legible fashion–was being neglected.

Hence, this Left side of things. It occurred to me that it would be nice to have an outlet where I might be able to construct word-fragments which would be immediately decipherable to whomever. (Believe me, I’m as certain of the frustrating nature of my writing as the next person.) The trouble is that I find that I have less to say over here. I’m not really interested in tapping away about the day-to-day hummdrummities. Plenty of people do that anyhow.

2 thoughts on “Of returning”

  1. This comment will be interrupted by a conference call.

    I enjoy the way you split yourself in half. I wonder sometimes why you decided to do it that way, though. Sometimes I think the freedom of being able to let the right half wander hap-hazard over and through the things that are otherwise written with some purpose in mind is a pretty cool thing. The two sides aren’t their own entitities, after all, and I think they sometimes like to play with one another.

    Is that a contradiction? IF they aren’t their own entities, how could they play with one another?

    Of course maybe they ARE their own entities. Ever seen/read stuff about Alien Hand Syndrome? That’s some creepy shit. I can never find a good book about it. Actually I DID find a book that had a lot to do with that a few years ago in a bookstore, but I was christmas shopping and so didn’t buy it for myself, and also didn’t write down the title. It was in the science or math section. THIS HAS NOT BEEN ANY KIND OF ASSISTANCE IN MY EFFORTS TO FIND THE BOOK. I often look through the science and math sections at bookstores, reading dust-jackets, looking for some sign of “Alien Hand.”

    The conference call has not yet begun. How disturbing.

  2. Good afternoon, i.
    I agree that the two sides like to play with one another. Here, I’m limited by my own technological inexpertise. There are certain visual things which I can envisage, but lack the knowhow to put into effect. Perhaps one day I will remedy this nohow.

    Two entities? I don’t know if they are or not. I’ve been wondering lately if there aren’t more than two parts to my own brain, anyway. Alien hand syndrome I had not heard of in that phrase though I was familiar with the idea/thought/thing behind it.

    Flip-flopping between brainstates. Very interesting stuff, though not really quantifiable in any way. The flip-flopping is more of a right brain kind of idea.

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