What is the essence of a face? Perhaps this is wishful thinking, but what if the increasing digitalization of the representation of identity (in all its many forms, be it: face, fingerprints, DNA, etc.) enables people to bind that representation more tightly to what makes them THEM.
For example, computerized textual analysis now allows for the identification of anonymous authors simply by the statistical preponderance of word usage and grammatical structure. Is this merely another way to identify someone? Or does it express something a little more wonderful? Doesn’t it rather suggest that writing is a unique way to experience the (temporary?) linguistic patterns in someone else’s brain?
Okay, so that was a tangent.
People, in general, don’t walk down the street wearing masks. Socially, there is value in recognizing and being recognized. Why would this not be true also in the “online’ universe? What would be the impact of individuals being able to take ownership of their own genetic code, for example?