Civil Liberties After 9/11 by Robert H. Bork
The White Man Unburdened By Norman Mailer
Alchemist at large
Saddam ‘alive and well in Iraq’
Talking Points Memo by Josh Micah Marshall
White House admits Bush lied about Iraqi Nukes
Missing Weapons Of Mass Destruction: Is Lying About The Reason For War An Impeachable Offense? By JOHN W. DEAN
The president’s real goal in Iraq by Jay Bookman
A rose is a rose is a rose. Josh Marshall.
This is mostly separating the wheat from the chaff, as per Chaucer’s Summoner’s suggestion… Personally, I like the essay about the molecular physicist the best. Even though I don’t understand the science of it one bit.
This just blows my mind: “Tinkering with the crystal structure of carbon atoms in his head, he thought about ways to arrange them in even closer proximity?a key to what makes diamonds so hard. In the process, he came up with carbon nitride, a new class of superhard solids.” (Emphasis mine)