3 thoughts on “slouching back into town”

  1. Well looky-there what comes a scrubblin’ back on all four knubs and a prickleberry bush. Eigenradio, oh, what a thing! There seems to be a lot of noise there, and I can’t fault it for that. I am now considering how fun it would be to do a similar thing without relying s’much on computers. not that that makes any sense, since the big bargle in my brain about it occupies a lot more space than will fit out thru my explaininator.

    Welcome and a howsyhoo. The missing packleback from here has quite detrimented my slate.

  2. oh yesly. But now, timing of timings, I’m going to be hopping into an aeroplane tomorrow in the earlier than I’d like to fly all the way to the tippy tip down below me. Tippy tip of this country. Tippy trop torp. I’m just. So. There will be silence from my ears until later in the later; hopefully the fort will be properly held in check by some sliderlies and orn.

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