Slow summer reading of books

I rather enjoyed Adam Nicolson’s God’s Secretaries: The Making of the King James Bible for its highly detailed portrayals of the quirky fellows who Translated the King James Bible. Nicolson is unafraid to confront the contradictions and flaws that these men evidenced.

He tries to answer an excellent question: How did the King James Bible turn out so well–seeing as how it was a book translated by a committee!??!

The book wasn’t quite as literary as I would have liked (are my standards too high?) and at times seemed over-simplistically written. Too much anecdote, not enough translating! to be short about it. Oddly enough, I read all of this book except for the last chapter… (though I did read the last page or two).

I would recommend this book, though not highly, and only if it’s a subject that you’re interested in reading.

Here’s a scan of an early KJB title page.

La la la.

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