Book recommendation

I just finished reading Rogue Nation: American Unilateralism and the Failure of Good Intentions by Clyde Prestowitz and I have to say that I think this is perhaps the most holistically coherent book about US foreign policy that I have read in a long time.

The title of the book is deliberately provocative (sells more books, eh?) and one would think that the author was some kind of raving leftwinger. Not so, says the clam. You can read a brief biography of Mr. Prestowitz here. He considers himself an old school conservative, which I can respect and only wish that there were more like him around. This guy has a keen grasp on the intricacies and context of foreign policy and the book makes a compelling argument a more multilateral US foreign policy and that it is the US’ interest to do so.

Some links:
A radio interview where he talks about his book. The link takes you to the audio file, so click with care.
A print interview with Globalist magazine.
A collection of links about the book.
An article that C. Pretowitz wrote for the Boston Globe, 8/10/2003.
And finally, ye olde Amazon dealie.

Methinks the Democratic candidates for president should have a sitdown chat with this fellow. Especially dynamo ex-governor of Vermont, Howard Dean! (Who makes being a political junky fun again, I have to say.)

3 thoughts on “Book recommendation”

  1. Not for nothin’, but DUDE, you read a lot of books. I mean. Jeesh. I can’t even keep up with readin’ the posts you link to, let alone all these books.

    Oh, gotta go watch Survivor now. (No, I’m not kidding, and shuddup about that having anything to do with why I can’t read fancy-shmancy books. Besides, there’s a freakin’ hurricane over here.)

  2. Yeah, I’m sort of a compulsive reader. It’s a bit like a disease actually. Plus, I have a lot of time to read on the bus to and from work…

    hey, and good luck with hurricane thing, okay?

  3. I envy that, reading on the bus. I used to ride the DC Metro to and from work, and that was a great time to read a lot. Now I pretty much only get the hour or so before bed every night. I’m a compulsive reader, too, but in much more slow sorta way. I guess.

    No fears about the hurricane… really where I am there’s not much to worry about. Except maybe losing my internet or something, which could cause some serious withdrawallation. Don’t think it’s totally past yet, still some rains and winds to come, but nothing really threatening. Thanks for the concern though.

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