Beware the fermented capybaras!

You know, I should read actually funny books more often. What a hoot! Mike Nelson’s Death Rat! by Michael J. Nelson is absolutely brilliant.

It’s about a history writer who decides to write a schlock thriller, because they sell so hot. Also, the thinly veiled satyrical portrayals of G. Keillor and J. Ventura are priceless.

Here’s his official website.

A fun review of aforementioned title..


Fun political invective re. the California recall…

Man, is this guy ever having some fun with the english language…

“If you voted for the recall, you might have thought you were voting to boot Gray Davis out of office. But that’s because you’re a moron, easily distracted by sparkly lights and shiny objects.”

“And while we’re at it, every single person who voted in this California gubernatorial election who does not vote in the next one should very simply be taken out and beaten to death with a pipe, as it will be obvious you have no actual interest in the democratic process, you’re just a tourist looking for a thrill ride.”

“Every single person who voted in this election who did not vote in the actual gubernatorial election in 2002 is a complete and total fucking tool.”

grant morrison-y; or that old crabbit, down the whole

interviewin, gargle…spit out that old darapel

i mean, parachutical. where’s everything falling to? and it’s becoming abundantly visceral that the old fartyparty methodicals are falling down on faces.
and all the art has gone out of my own skyll, anyhoo.
how to force that art back in there? crowbar? (car caw craw) or maybe some oldfashioned dynamite? macrame?

and the skyll farper slithered over to the left side this morning. feel that forehead burn. and where’d that arm got to in the night? it’s feeling crippled and here’s hoping the old bodhi isn’t a metaphor for something else. it’s not bodyn well.

have to hack out something soon or maybe my brain will…. what? byrst? disinflate/implode?

what’s that linkin have to do with anythin? dunno…

ho hum, political books…

Last night, I skimmed through the last 30 pages of Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right by Al Franken. There were some funny bits. A couple of things that made me laugh out loud.

But the book commits the, perhaps, unforgiveable sin of a “comedy” book by not really being that funny at all. Oh well.

Instead, the book paints a picture of a right-wing media machine which has lost all shreds of any intellectual rigour which it might once have had. Which is perhaps important, but not really funny.

The best bits of the book were the descriptions of Al Franken interacting and encountering people, such as offering to fight a right-wing commentator for calling Democrats “sissies”. Notably, the right-wing commentator refused to fight.

Anyway, there’s sort of a desultory official websitehere and a more interesting unofficial one here.

This is an angry book, but after reading it, you can understand why. Especially regarding the Paul Wellstone funeral stuff. Personal, personal stuff. (And how does he have all of these people’s phone numbers? He’s always just calling people up on the telephone to chat with them…)

