Howard Dean is not a bar of soap…

So why should he market himself like one? On the television?

It’s a good little essay about internetty versus televizzy, re. this whole politico thing. Plus, it made me laugh thinking of Howard Dean being made of soap…

“For the love of god, don’t go out into that rain!”

It reminds me of that Asimov short story. The one with the people who are made out of sugar.

One thought on “Howard Dean is not a bar of soap…”

  1. That’s a good post. In some respect it reminds me of the stuff about the music industry. It all actually amounts to the same thing; there’s this giant MediaTeeVeeRadio thing force-feeding everyone, and then there’s this internet thing that’s supposed to be able to supplant it. But I wonder if it ever will. Independent music might have a better outlet now, but I can’t imagine it seriously challenging the machine. Likewise, I can’t imagine the mainstream media losing its death grip on how popular culture votes.

    Again, though, this is about my cynicism. People have the tools NOW to figure some of this shit out. They just don’t.

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