Genre and its red-headed step-children

I cannot recommend The Mumpsimus strongly enough. Back there he’s all about writing about genre and its related problems (opportunities). This dovetails nicely with that Lethem link from yesterday and also a conversation that i and I are having over at the squublog, where he also linked to some (loosely) genre-related otherwritings. It’s funny how these serendipitous things turn up.

(Squuby and I seem to have this strange habit of reading the same books at around the same time. We don’t coordinate; it seems to be a random thing. And some of the books are quite obscure… It’s a funny thing. I think THE CURIOUS INCIDENT OF THE DOG IN THE NIGHTTIME makes number 5.)

One thought on “Genre and its red-headed step-children”

  1. something else slightly weird, though probably not much weird, really — that “silliman’s blog” is in the blogroll over at mumpsimus. Maybe it’s a popular blog or something, but I only recently ever even found it.

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