2 thoughts on “Lots and lots of free music”

  1. Blap! Blap!

    That’s a very very much appreciated bit of linkage there, that is. I’m scribbly amock with is. Amuck. Amish. I’m amish, and scribbly, and with it. Cool hipcat.

    Also, then, just wanted to let you know I’m still puttering around here as often as I can, and enjoying your posts, glad you’re still posting and such. One of these days I’m hoping the pendulum swings me back toward the posting-regularly thing; currently it’s just not there.

    Again, awesome link. B-Zonk!

  2. s’nice to know yo’re still floating out thar in the frothy virtual wilds.

    glad you liked the link.
    me; i’ve downloaded too much free (and e)music and now my little puttry harddrive is groaning under the weight. how sad and tedious that is, to delete delete delete.

    not as much fun as snorting music out of the aether, anyhow.

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