Book recommendations from Neal Stephenson–among other things

I read this Cryptonomicon and Snow Crash among others” href=”″>very cool interview with Neal Stephenson on Slashdot the other day and decided it was worth linking to.

His list of book recommendations alone makes it worth checking (so I’m quoting that here):


Fiction I have lately read and enjoyed:

Set this House in Order by Matt Ruff

Ilium by Dan Simmons

Iron Council by China Mieville

Perfect Circle by Sean Stewart

The I Love Bees alternate reality game

Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susannah Clarke

The Fool’s Tale by Nicole Galland (in galleys; soon to be published)

Short story collections by Etgar Keret: The Bus Driver who Wanted to be God, and The Nimrod Flip-out. Last time I checked, The Nimrod Flip-out was only available from an Australian publisher named Picador, but this should pose only the most minor of challenges to Slashdot readers. Keret is a young Israeli writer who has also done some work in film and graphic novels.


Skeletons on the Zahara by Dean King

The Lincoln-Douglas Debates and Lincoln’s Cooper Union address

Battle Cry of Freedom by James McPherson

2 thoughts on “Book recommendations from Neal Stephenson–among other things”

  1. Yeah, J. Strange and Mr. Norrell sounded good to me too. I have it on hold at the library; there’s a queue of a couple hundred people, at least, waiting for it!

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