- Read this 400+ page book in two days. I don't have a problem. No, really. I could stop anytime. Anytime I want to. #selfdelusion #
- @MarsGirl75 Well… ok. Let's go with that theory! in reply to MarsGirl75 #
- @HillaryJacques Maybe it's a Klein bottle building? If so, don't get stuck in/outside! in reply to HillaryJacques #
- @MarsGirl75 Depends on what you mean by "good". :) I enjoyed it. (THE WARDED MAN) Some interesting ideas. Some troubling plot points. in reply to MarsGirl75 #
- @HillaryJacques Oh, you wacky Alaskans, you. With your shantytown bunkhouses and gold panning prospectors! Also, stacks of caps? in reply to HillaryJacques #
- @bvanderveen Oh boy, have you ever just tried to open a can of worms! In short: it makes no sense. Never has, but even less so now. in reply to bvanderveen #
- @bvanderveen I think that's some of it, but let me break down the madness for you: in reply to bvanderveen #
- @bvanderveen 1) Faculty and grad students submit research to peer reviewed articles; 2) Those articles are peer-reviewed by other faculty in reply to bvanderveen #
- @bvanderveen 3) The university (pays faculty salaries as well as funding research) then pays for the privilege to access those articles in reply to bvanderveen #
- @bvanderveen 4) Most research comes from publicly funded universities 5) Who pays for publicly funded universities? in reply to bvanderveen #
- @bvanderveen But there are things like DOAJ, moving things in the right direction: http://www.doaj.org/ in reply to bvanderveen #
- @mayormcginn Thank you! in reply to mayormcginn #
- @cruickshank Finally, some sanity on this whole tunnel fiasco! in reply to cruickshank #
- Alice fell asleep leaning on Max, while they watched Toy Story 2. He: "I thought she was just hugging me." #SMAtuS #
- Max: It's silly when she (Alice) doesn't nap, because I'm used to my break with you (Sarah). #SMAtuS #
- Max: "I thought Alice would never go to sleep." #SMAtuS #
- PUMP SIX AND OTHER STORIES by Paolo Bacigalupi: Post ecological catastrophe SF. Not exactly heart-warming, but good. #fridayreads #
- Times are tough, when people are breaking into *our* car. I hope they enjoyed those soggy crackers on the floor. #SMAtuS #
- @HillaryJacques The car? Oh yeah. We don't lock the doors. There's nothing of value in there… They couldn't be bothered to take cd deck. in reply to HillaryJacques #
- @HillaryJacques In case you're wondering: we leave it unlocked because we'd rather not have broken windows. in reply to HillaryJacques #
- Sam Lipsyte – “The Dungeon Master” http://instapaper.com/zkullpo1U // man, what a great D&D game #
- The Transformation as Sandbox Syndrome http://instapaper.com/zv7x9exX // sometimes it's helpful to get perspective from the past #
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