- Alice taught herself how to do somersaults. #SMAtuS #aprodigyofnature #
- After more than four years, Sarah will be entering the ranks of the (part time) employed! Way to go! #SMAtuS #findingchildcareisabitch #
- Trying really hard to communicate with Max that he can't actually run faster than cars. This is more difficult than you can imagine. #SMAtuS #
- @HillaryJacques Hey just because I don't "follow" it, doesn't mean I don't read it! (Thanks RSS!) in reply to HillaryJacques #
- @HillaryJacques I'm not going to reply to that on the grounds that I might double entendre myself… That's Constitutional, right? in reply to HillaryJacques #
- @HillaryJacques Ah, so you're a "strict constructionist"… in reply to HillaryJacques #
- @jessnevins I would buy/read that! in reply to jessnevins #
- @legslibrarian Hey, someone's gotta be a cataloger. *chortle* in reply to legslibrarian #
- @cruickshank What!? I had no idea! in reply to cruickshank #
- @cruickshank Thanks for mentioning it. Not sure I would have heard about it otherwise. in reply to cruickshank #
- @liampdx Urine cake thing? in reply to liampdx #
- @theatretec Ah, Greece is beautiful. I have such fond memories of my time there. in reply to theatretec #
- PRETTIES by Scott Westerfeld. Some pointed YA science fiction. A sequel to UGLIES. #fridayreads #
- @theatretec 2006, I think. We went to the islands Santorini, Siphnos, Naxos and Paros. We wandered. Planned our life. Rested. Felt history. in reply to theatretec #
- @chowderino Me! Me! :) Awwww. Wanh-wanh…. in reply to chowderino #
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