- I think Max is teaching himself how to read. With very little encouragement from us. Apart from the constant reading, that is. #SMAtuS #
- I suspect, in time, ALL the cool kids will be doing Alice's "pirate dance". #SMAtuS #
- Sarah's a real mensch for trying to explain acronyms to Max before 8am this morning. That's an afternoon activity! #SMAtuS #
- In less than two weeks, Max's new school has had a profoundly positive effect on his self-esteem and confidence. I'm so happy! #SMAtuS #
- @beatitudes It really really really is! :) in reply to beatitudes #
- @HillaryJacques Pre-school. We had him in another one that wasn't doing it for him. With the new one, night and day! in reply to HillaryJacques #
- ALL ART IS PROPAGANDA by George Orwell: He's a breath of fresh air. Also, an essay on Dickens! #fridayreads #
- What a delightful poem: "As If" by J. Allyn Rosser … – The Atlantic http://t.co/0BSPR7pk #
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