- ALOHA FROM HELL by @Richard_Kadrey: I'll keep reading these, as long as he keeps writing 'em! Thanks for the good time, RK! #
- @HillaryJacques It's a quick read… Or perhaps I'm a quick reader. Either way, fun stuff! in reply to HillaryJacques #
- Words Max has written this morning (so far): GREAT, GHOST, GOO, GRAPE, GREEN, GOBLIN… Sensing a theme. #SMAtuS #
- Alice: Bye Sweet Max! See you later! #SMAtuS #
- Alice woke up this morning at 4am and demanded…. wait for it…. A PICKLE. Which she then ate. #SMAtuS #
- According to Max, I don't have bloodshot eyes, I have a lot of "red thunder in my eyes". #SMAtuS #
- Max: We must have a lot of water, because we live in WASHington! #SMAtuS #
- Sometimes Alice wants to be alone. She went into her room to read. Max went in to see her, and she yelled: Hey! I reading! #SMAtuS #
- Three cheers for the Trivial Convivialists! Who carried the night again with a monstrous first place! (Thanks Carol!) #SMAtuS #
- @shadalicious Yeah, these are pretty much for the people who know them. :) in reply to shadalicious #
- Just finished Richard Morgan's THE COLD COMMANDS. Starting on Chuck Pahlahniuk's DAMNED next. #fridayreads #
- Max: During the day the moon likes a banana, because you can't see that much of it. #SMAtuS #
- I appreciated this thoughtful piece by Matt Taibbi on the OWS … movement (?) http://t.co/JOKQJfPx #
- WHAT. THE. FUCK. AMERICA? http://t.co/FMQk4kCA #
- Alice: Mama, I only [wear] pirate dresses, you know! (Asked about another dress) That yucky! No way! I only pirate dress! #SMAtuS #
- This morning, Max is packing to go on a trip to visit Brian and Jamilah! (First we've heard of it. :) #SMAtuS #
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