Inspired by Intractable Cheerfulness

No one I know, that’s who!

“There’s something to be said for impenetrability or, what’s the word, something to do with… you know? The thing.”

There was a time when I’d’ve happily gone on my way, just whistled on by, smiling in a daft kind of way, pretending that nothing was the matter. This time, though, this time! Oh, boy. You should’ve seen me not smiling at all, nope, I was almost just this side of scowling. Why, if I hadn’t had my sunglasses on, they would’ve seen me looking at them! Looking so that they knew that I might have seen them that one time doing the thing. You know, that thing?

“The one you mentioned the other day? When the, whatzit?, thingum cracked into the side of the”–AHCHOO–“What was I saying?”

Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. Exactly. EGG-ZACKLY. Like, ok, there’s the moon right? It’s up there in the sky. Sometimes it’s round, sometimes it’s like some mad smile, sometimes it’s just… what would you call that shape, anyway? Where it’s partly there and partly not? Something. It’s like that, you know?

“Now you’re talkin’ my language! You and I, like peas in a…”

You said it! Boy, no one gets me like you do.

“I know! It’s almost like we could finish each others–”


The two high-fived, but it went off kind of awkwardly. On the third try, it was almost respectable.

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