Browser tabs, part 2

Looking at these old browser tabs is a bit like wandering through fragments of past thoughts. Or rather fragments of momentary attention (or distraction?). (I’m adding the straight URLs because I sort of think it’s good for people to start looking at URLs again.) – I don’t remember where I first read about Marc Behm, but his book The Eye of the Beholder sounds fascinating. – Looking at the screenshots of this game, In Search of the Most Amazing Thing, makes me think that I played it when I was a kid. What’s even more amazing is that you can just play these right in your browser. – a newsletter gathering together the weirdest news from 100 years ago. I love this idea!, Witch, Burn! is such a better title for this movie. Also, Wikipedia writers are generally terrible writers of plot summaries. They could make any movie sound dull as ditch water. – A list of classic horror stories involving academics. – The best comics of 2019!?! I am late to this party! Hahah. I’ve read a few comics on this list. I think they have pretty good taste. – I only just learned about this local museum early in 2020. I still want to visit it at some point. – Jo Walton has great taste in books. Also, she reads a lot! Check out some of these great suggestions. – I never really got into Goodreads. I think my local library didn’t have this book so I read Kathryn Davis’ The Silk Road instead. I remember very little of it. – I’ve been meaning to read Gretchen McCulloch’s Because Internet about language on the internet for a long time. Maybe this year I’ll get to it.

2 thoughts on “Browser tabs, part 2”

  1. Wish I had time and energy to even think about and or read some of these ideas books.

    Just too distressed and hoping I’m not getting sick again to do much of anything.

    Zoning out and escaping myself is about all I can handle right now.

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