organ grinding ides: display the purple flag, keep waving it, cha

arrr! matey! keep yer cards close to your chest and speak your thousands of words through pictures


soap and whiskey, eh. sipping champagne and reading bits of jobbala. the wicked make me toes squirm, that they do. funny, the richy proking loudly in the temple, while the poor woman drops her ducat in the box…

The human genome for sale? or are there alternatives?

John Sulston seems to be on the right page as far as the human genome (or any genome) is concerned. Namely:

“The genome sequence is a discovery, not an invention. Like a mountain or a river, the genome is a natural phenomenon that existed, if not before us, then at least before we became aware of it. I believe that the Earth is part of the common good; it is better off not owned by anyone, even though we may fence off small parts of it. But if an area proves important because it is especially scenic or is home to some rare species, then it should be protected in the public interest.”

found scribble #10

tortle shells and lucky dells
have all my dreams a lackals
blown and posted muenster
on the floor, broken by the scare
curdled, smelly rusted cheese
putteres long about, along the eves
pasty creams and dainty coverlets
pulled beneath our chins and necks
these are curdling in the heat
my careful fears so neat
put those caltrops away old men
they hurt my feet and spleen
what can you sing when your eyes are
clutchy made with

found scribble #9

pour this vasty dreepiness
glug glug glug torly-drainwise
torque and wiggle the
clutching metal
yo ho ho


what was don in silence oh before
is crunched in madness out the door
burst yer corticles and scream
without this misty older dream
begone you onceler fiendish goon
and wrap your snake-like bout the moon
weep on, the frog moon ‘bits
creep on, slurp on, you lunatices!
dance these ‘squitos out of here
their constant buzzing in my ear
release the chains from off my goat
or turn the train about the note

Tim O’Reilly with some interesting thoughts on piracy and file-sharing

Piracy is Progressive Taxation, and Other Thoughts on the Evolution of Online Distribution

An insightful article about piracy and file-sharing and the misperception of these in the minds of the entertainment industry. I’ve been fascinated with this issue for quite some time now.