The Free Expression Project has an excellent article about the state of copyright as it exists in the U.S. right now. It does fall firmly on the side of those opposing the extension of copyright, but that doesn’t particularly bother me. This information is quite useful.
Category: Uncategorized
A couple of lengthy articles worth reading
This article about the stages of human moralistic development as correlated through the Old Testament is especially interesting when compared to this article about the progression and complexification(?) of childrearing as it relates to peoples’ spiritual and moral understanding…
Very interesting stuff.
a symbol is a duck is a cow is a monkey is a catchallburbery whatzit
a gazillion alchemickal monkeys typing away and singing out songs of incantation
“teabags teabags! where have you gone? my eyeballs are getting dry!”
Renewable energy for everybody (or in the Developing World at least)
This article about providing support for the Developing World’s energy needs seems absolutely spot on.
Where to find new energy sources equals THE question of the 21st Cengtury, with its burgeoning “Third World” population. It should make all the capitalist monkeys happy, anyway. With no electricity, how can the Developing World even think about purchasing any neato electro-gadgets?
What a clever bunch of folks…
This article about the city of Largo, Florida’s IT department is a groovy read. What clever chaps those fellows are. More people should use the tools that suit their needs.
Marx in a teacup
This article about Marxism at the Policy Review is a fascinating examination of the historical progression of Marxist ideas. Poor Marx. Who reads him anymore? But people sure do cite him a lot. He’s sort of like Nietsche that way, I suspect. Is Marx the Kevin Bacon of political theory?
I’ve just found a whole mess of groovy photo/film sites….
Found Scribble #8
1 sparkly, noncy, swirly, bulbous
really hot with a blurreling sun,
shimmering, colorful, scuttly
2 6 feet by 6 feet by 1 feet
multi-colored like a disco
ball, feels like different
things on different
sides: rough, smooth, furry,
pointy, soft, gummy
alien material from planet
sounds hollow, but isn’t
(how do I know?)
right next to me
flat on sand on top of
a tiny pedestal
groovy, curious, funky,
alive, wicked
3 rainbow drop ladder
laying flat on sand
23.5 rungs
as light as a feather
it’s curly, like a
spiral staircase
4 big horse, it’s green
(perhaps yellow) with a
funny little horse tackle
stuff, saddle like
it’s tied to the ladder
by bridle
named Hieronymous
it’s eating an apple
and doing number
tricks with its hooves
it has glasses
5 it’s tiny 5 ft X 5 ft X 5 ft
a little black rain
cloud it’s scurrying
about trying to rain
on horses parade
and mine, but
we have umbrellas
so ha!
6 1 flower in a pot
it’s a daisy. yellow
6 petals a long thin
it’s happy when the
storm swings by
(no umbrella)
pleasant & creepy
Someone should tell HER father about this fungi website
Many fascinating pictures of fungi here; sure to interest a certain someone’s father…
More keen recipes
I guess I’ve just been in a cooking mood these days. I don’t really know what’s come over me….