Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-10

  • Max has good taste in movies: he hated CARS 2. We walked out. #SMAtuS #
  • Alice's favorite game right now: Counting down FIVE…FOUR…THREE…TWO…ONE… and then: BLAST OFF! Max counts with her. Cute! #SMAtuS #
  • Max: a natural teacher? This morning at breakfast he said real and made-up words, encouraging Alice to say them too. Which she did! #SMAtuS #
  • Max got the first bad sunburn of his life. We've discovered: he HATES aloe. (He calls it "logo".) Shares my loathing of lotions. #SMAtuS #
  • When it's time to eat, Alice rips her binky out of her mouth, throws it on the floor, and runs to the table. #SMAtuS #
  • Max is very concerned about the fact that Jonathan Coulton hates California. #SMAtuS #
  • Max asked for "tv". By the time I rolled out of bed, he already had going. Me: !? Him: "I just went to where it was." #SMAtuS #
  • Anyone want some Google+ invites? I've got 8 of them. (Gmail flashbacks!) #
  • @HillaryJacques I may be wrong, but I think they come with a Golden Ticket. in reply to HillaryJacques #
  • @HillaryJacques I haven't been able to find the Oompa Loompas yet. I have been hearing an awful lot of scurrying about, though. in reply to HillaryJacques #
  • @HillaryJacques I haven't seen any Oompa Loompas yet. I have been hearing an awful lot of scurrying about, though. in reply to HillaryJacques #
  • @HillaryJacques Weren't they purple? Or was that only the blueberry girl? in reply to HillaryJacques #
  • @HillaryJacques It's becoming more and more clear to me that Oompa Loompas reside in the feverdreams of my childhood. in reply to HillaryJacques #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-03

  • This is perfect and so funny: (Thanks, @jkottke!) #
  • @nfarina So, what do you think? Should I buy the iPhone 4 or push my creaky 3G to the Fall? #
  • @briandorsey Oh man, you should really consider adjourning to Tugboat Brewery across the street at some point. Best bartender/beer in town! in reply to briandorsey #
  • @nfarina It's tough. This 3G is super long in the tooth! I think it's made entirely from teeth at this point. in reply to nfarina #
  • @nfarina @shoesmith81 Indeed! I guess the real question is whether "Fall" means September or November. :) in reply to nfarina #
  • Alice has named her first imaginary friend: A white "soft animal" bear she's named Lacklee. He LOVES talking on the cell phone. #SMAtuS #
  • Max's Grandpa sent a hand-drawn comic about superhero Maxman. Max was so excited he drew a response right then. Comic's in the mail! #SMAtuS #
  • What I learned today: The | symbol is sometimes called 'think colon' and 'poley', among other less whimsical names. #
  • @L_Hoff Well…. I can't prove it, but I can say with gusto that was a mean boubou, chacabana, dhoti, and fustanella costume! in reply to L_Hoff #
  • Started reading THE PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH to Max this morning. He seemed to like it. I forget that he can handle more complicated fare. #SMAtuS #
  • @shadalicious Interesting. Are all of those deliberate parenting choices? It's funny, I have no problem with any of those things. in reply to shadalicious #
  • One reason to be a mathematician: You get to talk about things like Zorn's Lemma and Vector of Darboux with a straight face. #
  • @scottgagon Max was enthralled. We read the first two and a half chapters. I was surprised at how long he sat still for it. in reply to scottgagon #
  • @shadalicious Dash of lazy = the spice of life? in reply to shadalicious #
  • @shadalicious Oregano or maybe cumin? No, Mrs. Dash! in reply to shadalicious #
  • In the middle of The Part about Fate in Roberto Bolano's 2666. I am in awe of this book. And I can barely say why. Sinister. #SMAtuS #
  • In the middle of The Part about Fate in Roberto Bolano's 2666. I am in awe of this book. And I can barely say why. Sinister. #fridayreads #
  • @shadalicious Heh heh. in reply to shadalicious #
  • @beatitudes Oh, I agree wholeheartedly. It is simply astounding. My only regret is that I didn't read it sooner! in reply to beatitudes #
  • Alice Jump Skill Level Up: COMPLETE! #SMAtuS #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-26

  • @chowderino Thanks! And thanks for letting me take some time to myself. It was lovely! in reply to chowderino #
  • Max: "Mom, you know what? Meatballs kind of look like poop. That's kind of funny. Tee hee hee. Can I have meatballs for dinner?" #SMAtuS #
  • Max: "I know from my dream that I don't want to be as strong as the Hulk so that I can lift up the ground." #SMAtuS #
  • @shadalicious Really? Only boys? :p in reply to shadalicious #
  • Alice is dancing to Primus. I guess she's feeling better! #SMAtuS #
  • Geeze, Stalin was a real jerk! (Insight courtesy of Simon Montefiore's STALIN: COURT OF THE RED TSAR.) #
  • Without ever seeing a movie, Max has drawn Luke Skywalker. With face! And lightsaber! Star Wars is ubiquitous. #SMAtuS #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-19

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Books Read April 2011

Redemption in Indigo by Karen Lord

Sometimes it takes a lot of effort to get out of a bad situation.

A Sickness in the Family by Denish Mina

Brutal. I also didn’t see the twist ending coming…

Daytripper by Gabriel Ba

A beautifully non-linear story. All the ways in which one man might have (did?) die. Told in sequential art.

Cages by Dave McKean

Like reading a dream. Only I don’t dream in black and white. I remember no plot, only impressions of black slashed with white. Occasionally realistic veering into nightmarish.

Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age by Douglas Rushkoff

It’s worth thinking, reading, and writing about the world that we’re creating for ourselves. His point is that we’re not: it’s being created for us.

Local by Brian Wood

Like Daytripper, many moments in one young woman’s life. Ignore the continuity, the water’s fine.

Feersum Endjinn by Iain M. Banks

I’m still not sure what happened there. A third of the book’s in a crazy dialact, quasi-literate scrawl. Painful to read and I’m not sure they payoff was worth it. An example of cleverness getting in the way of story? Perhaps. My least favorite Banks novel, but that still ranks it higher than most things out there. Still, I’m glad I didn’t read this one first! I’m not sure I would have ever read any of his other books, which would have been a shame.

Tender Morsels by Margo Lanagan

Heartbreaking. We can not totally protect our children from the world. This book suggests that it’s harmful to even try. Worth your time.

Sandstorm by Christopher Rowe

A Forgotten Realms(TM) book. It succeeds, but only by the standards of its genre. I’m not sure I need to say more.

The Taborin Scale by Lucius Shepard

Short and sweet. A city inside the rotting remains of a giant dragon. Also, there’s some kind of time travel thing that happens.

Secret Six: Unhinged by Gail Simone

Secret Six is the best comic series I’ve discovered this year. Just consistently great.

Glacial Period by Nicolas De Crecy

Those are some strange look dogs! Who can talk. Like Snowy in TINTIN. It’s not clear whether the people can hear what the dogs say, but that doesn’t stop them from chatting with them. Some nice art and a sort of wonderful aw-hell-let’s-just-end-it ending.

The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet by David Mitchell

It’s no SHOGUN! (That is to say it’s about 100 times better.) But I kept thinking of that book while reading this. Read in high school, SHOGUN was perhaps a bit too formative. Just deliciously written. The scene with the cannonade was tops.

Ranma 1/2 v1 by Rumiko Takahashi

Just like the anime I remember watching way back in high school. A bit of nostalgia trip, but I probably won’t read anymore of them.

Making the Social World: The Structure of Human Civilization by John Searle

Once you have language, you have society. Convincing. Also, a strong argument against positive human rights, such as the right to health care, versus negative human rights, such as the freedom of speech or religion. (Unless I’m getting positive and negative mixed up there.) A negative right is one that is inherent in a person, but can be taken away. A positive right is one which others are obligated to provide. I found his arguments at times difficult to follow, but ultimately convincing.

Secret Six: Depths by Gail Simone

More of the same. Simply great.

Inversions by Iain M. Banks

I shouldn’t read two Banks novels in a month, because I don’t remember this. (after trip to the “puzzle cookie”) Ah yes! The very subtly science fiction novel! There’s some science fiction here, but if you blink you’ll miss it. It helps to know that this is definitely a “Culture” novel.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-12

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-05

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-29

  • Max is officially 4 years old today! #SMAtuS #
  • Let's just say–I had a great time!–that I'm glad we don't have a Birthday Maxtravaganza every week… #SMAtuS #
  • I kind of want to see the Windows OS "degenerate into space madness". If only to see what "space madness" is. #thingsIponderatwork #
  • Max's name for our Honda: "Norman". Max's name for our new car, a Volvo: "Honda". Golly, I love this kid! #SMAtuS #
  • When Alice sees pictures of Christopher Robin in WINNIE THE POOH, she says, "Mama!" and you know what? She's right. #SMAtuS #
  • @scalzi That can't smell good! Also, don't drink the water! in reply to scalzi #
  • Can't help but contemplate the fragility of life and the importance of trying to make the most of the time we have here. It's all we've got! #
  • @chowderino Your current haircut is very similar to Christopher Robin's. :) Also, your noses. Look closely sometime. Sharp eyes, our Alice. in reply to chowderino #
  • "Real World" Batman. Funny! #
  • Alice stomping along went hunting a garbage truck. The driver saw her and waved. Alice shrieked with glee. #SMAtuS #
  • With Max, "mechanical pencil" sounds like "cannibal pencil". Seems… appropriate. #SMAtuS #

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-22

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-15

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