links for 2008-01-27 Tone Releases Small Arm of Sea – Creative Commons A Creative Commons-released electronica album. (tags: downloads electronica mp3s creativecommons music) Find the best price for books online Find the CHEAPEST copy of the book you want. Or you could check bookmooch…. (tags: books shopping useful tool)
links for 2008-01-26 How Many Five Year Olds Could You Take in a Fight? The first funny quiz-type thing I’ve seen in a loooooong time… (tags: children funny games quiz) robotfindskitten… helping robots find kittens since 1997 a zen video game. (tags: cats cool design games humor retro) | Get URL Parameters Using Javascript It’s so simple! So beautiful! So lifechanging! (tags: howto javascript programming useful work) Legerdemain » Overview It’s a roguelike game with “story”? Sounds good to me! (tags: free games roguelike narrative) Privateer: Ascii Sector – The Official Website I’m currently digging these old ASCII games. I sort of go through phases with these… (tags: freeware games retro roguelike sciencefiction) George Orwell: Bookshop Memories A short Essay by Orwell on working in a bookshop. Which, at one point, was a dream of mine. Not so much any more, though…. (tags: articles books essays GeorgeOrwell)
links for 2008-01-25 – a paypal alternative This looks promising… (tags: financial tools social useful) Freeware Database – Independent Gaming (tags: freeware games databases reference)
links for 2008-01-22 Quotes: Annie Dillard’s AN AMERICAN CHILDHOOD “what life seems like to obsessively bookish children”… Spot on. The first half of this book is amazing, but then veers into tedium, sadly. (tags: quotes books childhood)
links for 2008-01-18 Shadow Unit It’s a fansite for a fictional television show. That’s pretty sweet. (tags: sciencefiction television toread innovation) :::::::: N A W L Z :::::::: A flash science fiction comic that will BLOW YOUR MIND! (tags: art comics cool flash design interactive webcomics) Davenetics* : The Best Peanut Butter in the World The best peanut butter in the world, eh? I’ll try it… If I can find it. (tags: blogs food recommendations) “the lego of gadgets” Customizable, programmable modules that plug together (tags: cool computers software technology toys mashup gadgets)
links for 2008-01-17 Stan Lee Tribute Artwork: The Artwork Marvel Superheroes in Art! (tags: art comics cool galleries) Kimiko Yoshida – SELF-PORTRAITS 2005 A woman dresses herself up in bridal outfits from many cultures, takes photos. Wild. (tags: art photography photos artist galleries) An experimental project to print public domain books – Print on demand for public domain books. Pretty clever mashup of online services to result in printed artifacts. (tags: books copyright ideas publicdomain printing literature) synchromystic librarian A blog collecting images related to the Lost television show. Someone does a LOT of Google image searching, I bet. (tags: blogs weird esoterica images television)
links for 2008-01-16 Kiosk by Bruce Sterling A new Bruce Sterling short story! (tags: brucesterling sciencefiction stories toread)
links for 2008-01-15 Design Rant An essay on designing webpages, CSS, etc. (tags: toread articles css design web work) Chart: New Proof That Every Scifi Epic Is Based On Joseph Campbell A one-two punch to the groin of science-fiction as a genre. Yikes! (Something like this could probably be applied to much other fiction, too) (tags: sciencefiction charts reference funny) Sawse – Stir it Up! » Blog Archive » Some of the Best CSS Resources on the Web A list of css resources (tags: useful css design work resources)
links for 2008-01-14 The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy Yikes! The entirety of Douglas Adams HGttG series online! Wacky! Wonder how long this will stick around…. (tags: books DouglasAdams downloads ebooks sciencefiction funny)
links for 2007-04-05 SuperGenPass at Super encrypted password generated. I’ve been meaning to check this out for a while. Hence the bookmark thing. (tags: bookmarklet tools encryption passwords useful security) ALAN MOORE ON PORNOGRAPHY The full title of the article is: “BOG VENUS VERSUS NAZI COCK-RING: Some Thoughts Concerning Pornography”. How could I pass THAT up? (tags: AlanMoore articles culture sex society toread) Bloglines | warrenellis’s Blogs Warren Ellis’ RSS feeds. (tags: interesting links rss warrenellis)