A reference wiki on Thomas Pynchon’s novels. Neat.
Category: Uncategorized
links for 2007-03-24
There’s some cool artwork here. (Flash-heavy site)
links for 2007-03-23
Useful Gmail hacks….
blah blah itunes blah blah
links for 2007-03-22
A book recommended by Bruce Sterling. Available entirely online under a Creative Commons license. This is the link to the book’s wiki.
links for 2007-03-21
I don’t totally understand it, but it looks cool.
Freeing the spectrum for actually *useful* things! Down with broadcast tv!
links for 2007-03-16
Exactly what it says. Pretty neat.
links for 2007-03-12
An article about MP3 (from Kris)
links for 2007-03-07
A list of cool Seattle spots/restaurants/etc.
links for 2007-03-06
What!?! A duck’s quack *does* echo!??!?!?!
More lists.
Television is for the birds.
Collective Question Answering. Interesting
A discussion.
links for 2007-03-03
A very cool color scheme generator.
These CSS templates could be useful for creating new website designs.
An essay on the folly of DRM and why ebooks are so blisteringly unsuccessful.
I keep meaning to muck about in the UNIX shell a bit more. Maybe reading through this will help me grok it better.
Computer cord management.