Like I need more weblogs to read….
Category: Uncategorized
links for 2006-12-01
There’s a ton of freely, downloadable music here. Enjoy!
A cool, surrealish webcomic.
Hooray! Ancient Chinese wisdom. Or whatever.
Geez. Everyone’s doing surreal webcomics these days….
A neat webcomic. It’s a five-part location-based story.
It’s an online photo editor. Something that could come in handy sometime, but I haven’t used it yet.
links for 2006-11-30
That’s a freaking huge machine….
I make it a point to check out these IF Competition (or text adventure) games every year. It’s a fascinating way to tell a story.
I’ve read the first few paragraphs of this. Grim, grim stuff.
A video of Kerouac reading from something. Very nice.
links for 2006-11-20
This list of CSS thingies might be useful for work. We’ll see.
A list of influential science and technology books. Worth checking some of these out, probably
links for 2006-11-19
An analysis of Orson Scott Card’s novel, ENDER’S GAME. I find myself agreeing almost entirely with this reading of the book, both in its broader implications and for understanding why I liked Card’s writing so much as an adolescent.
links for 2006-11-17
Downloadable, printable games. Fun?
Rushkoff’s interviews are always interesting.
There’s some cool art/toys/etc. in there.
A ‘donationware’ downloadable, pdf magazine of occult/esoteric topics.
I just imported all of the archives from my old weblog(s). Go check ’em out, if you want…
links for 2006-11-14
Symbolic maps of the brain
A cool steampunk-y toy figurine, complete with monocle, robot arm and giant removable hat.
Incredibly useful breakdown of CSS selector types.
links for 2006-11-11
Hmmm. Buying cheap glasses online…. could be useful….
links for 2006-11-10
A nice list of useful free software. I’m already familiar with a lot of this stuff, but it’s always nice to have them listed in one place.
They have some snazzy looking online galleries. It’s nice to see some flickr competitors out there.
You can’t go wrong checking out a list of books put together by Bruce Sterling.