A new end, an old beginning

Well, what do you know? I’ve gotten myself a little old degree of Library and Information Science (Masters).

It’s hard to believe it’s been two years. And two years of defunct weblogging, too.

What better way, I thought, to start something new than to start a new weblog about it? So here it is.

I’ll be writing things in this space related to library and information related topics as well as whatever else strikes my fancy.

In the meantime, S and I are off to Greece!

THE MAZE by Christopher Manson

I found The Maze at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art sometime in the 80s. I was mesmerized by it, but never got anywhere near solving it.

It was like a graphical choose-your-own-adventure or an early graphical computer game. At the time, there was a reward of some few thousand dollars for the first person to solve the riddle of the book. I never even came close.

I still think it’s pretty cool that they’ve hyper-textualized this book and put it online. Go internet!

Nagasaki, 1945

American George Weller was the first foreign reporter to enter Nagasaki following the U.S. atomic attack on the city on Aug. 9, 1945. Weller wrote a series of stories about what he saw in the city, but censors at the Occupation’s General Headquarters refused to allow the material to be printed. Weller’s stories, written in September 1945, can be found below.

I love declassified material.