i spect that grinning like

i spect that grinning like a mad doubloon,is not the way
to attract (detractxctdetract) ttention to myself

scrapple that dapply horse, the one we’re hiding inside of
spinning down to the joneslocker
cavewallhiders (behindwhich) ya, they’ve heard that horsestory before
looked that ‘horse in mowf, trundled it down to sea and bread
sinkysinky, we are so horsysinky

biggbiggfish swim slow bye
water is a generous element
(i bear that burden on my shoulder, whiskywhisky, sploshsplosh)
(spilling wattry everwhere)
(dripdrop clipclop goes that statue horse)

I and he and her and it are all eating mugins and baffels
slipppppppy goes that coruscating rill of butter
my back is curved from leaning to long over her
peering down at her neck, watching hairs go quivry
my breath is soloud in her ears that evvvrywine just standsonend

whisperrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr: “hi”
but it’s not so loud as my breathing and she doesn’t hear

and the greengrocer stands on his stool, points loud:
“you, freebooter, wanderer! rootless one, tentborn!
“cancel yer ‘scription, you’re not wanted here!”

all the tears go sloopy, what’s the point at bottom o’ sea
and alicewise, the sea’s our own doing
drowning at the bottom of these drooling eye sockets

it’s a good thing our trorse has a periscope
otherwise, we’d be blind forever

old old old

ingenuine, that’s what she likes to think about, when everything’s just graced with cholera, spizznose and variegated metal tins. be whole when the spartanman comes around to collect his dustpans, don’t forget to whisper everything you can into his ear… partake of silence, with a slice of lemon twisted. hurvy gurdy, m’lord. hurvy gurdy. spin this thwickle around your finger, twice, just twirl it. make it tight around your fingerjoints and watch that finger turn purple. watch it sparkly as that thwickle untwines and point your sparkly finger at the heavens, see it flash in incandescence. carve a hunk out of the star-road. greeving for what’s lost, ya. greeve yer sleeves with dust of hoyneydew. just parcel it all about the town, just parcel it. crawling down the gutter and watching the warblers twitch and purl in the gutterpunks’ maleficents. forego, you, the weakest of crocodile tears which twitch and punch your eyes out of plates. let those crocotears dry away, just vaporate. peace, you carolers.

old old old

fell asleep these nights past, had some dreams which bickled me. dreamed
I wrote a long sweeping narrative. forgotten upon waking. this morning, dreamed
car had been filled to brim with trash and old debris, garden stuff and and
garden gnomes, tires, beach balls, wooden trays of rusty nails and stuff,
old bicycle parts and more. neighbors super helpful. emptied out little tiny
car onto their lawn. then saw a flicker of flame, car flips over onto its
top! scary! neighbors have flame extinguisher, which I use to extinguish.
car seems all right, if a bit charred. charrrrrrred. silly omenic dreams.
eating omens for breakfast, with mushrooms and scallops.